Student Employment

Tomcat Way for Student Employment Success

Thiel College values the contributions of our student employees and several offices manage the overall administration of the student employment program at Thiel College. Together, student employment is managed by Human Resources Office (Roth Hall), Financial Aid Office (Roth Hall), & the Career Development Center (HMSC) and is a resource for student employees and on-campus hiring managers.


Thiel College provides valuable student employment opportunities for eligible students to gain career readiness skills that will help them for many years after they leave Thiel. Through on-campus job opportunities, students acquire and develop important workplace skills that can be the foundation for building a resume for future career opportunities. While building individual student skills, student employment also provides support to a number of departments, faculty, and staff across campus. By giving students opportunities reflect on these work experiences, students will learn to identify their skills and articulate how their on campus work experiences help them be more prepared to launch into the world of work and be competitive in the always changing job markets.

We do this by:

  • Developing and promoting best practices in student employment
  • Educating the campus community about best practices to ensure equal access of on campus work opportunities for all students
  • Fostering a dialogue about academics & work experiences
  • Connecting students to meaningful on campus work experiences & helping them contribute to the campus community
  • Helping students identify and articulate their skills and learning in on- work experiences to future work opportunities


How do I get a job on campus?


Handshake is Thiel’s place to help you find jobs, internships, and on campus employment.

For help in using your Handshake account:

Students can also access the platform via the Handshake apps.

Handshake: Google Play
Handshake: Apple

Once you are hired for an on-campus job, you will be asked to provide identification. Please provide the necessary identification documentation as required by the I-9 guidelines. (see Appendix A: I-9 Accepted Forms of Identification)

I-9 verification MUST be turned into the HR/Payroll office before you can begin employment. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Office of Human Resources at or 724-589-2004. A staff member can assist you with this process. Once this process is completed, the department supervisor will be notified and you will be permitted to schedule hours and begin working.

Thiel College Shield

Thiel College
75 College Ave
Greenville, PA 16125